About My Art

  • A trained mathematician and an artist at heart. My interests are in studying the interplay between Art and Math.
  • Sacred geometry is at the heart of a thousand years of art and architecture as represented in mosques , temples and cathedrals around the world. Stunning in its search of perfection and countless symmetries it achieves a beauty inspired by divine motivation.
  • On a more practical side, sacred art represents an excellent application of the principles of geometry as illustrated by Euclid in the Elements. Countless constructions and theorems first discovered by the ancient Greek mathematicians are carefully merged with craftsmanship to produce murals, paintings and mosaics of infinite variety.
  • My goal is to explore the intersection of this art form with classical geometry by allowing the art to motivate a discussion of geometric fundamentals and to simultaneously use the underlying math to enhance an appreciation of the art and suggest generalizations.
  • Lectures and workshops are specifically designed for math educators and education.
  • Please contact Steve Pomerantz: